Sunday, May 19, 2013


As I have looked through my TOWS, I have noticed that I have increased my use of rhetorical devices. In the beginning, I only used easy ones like logos, pathos, and ethos. Now after doing many, I realize I am using a more broad range of devices. I think I mastered being able to tell the purpose of the author and its effect on the audience. I also think I am able to easily pick up rhetorical devices and then incorporate them into my TOWSs. I could still strive to improve not making my TOW a template but rather incorporate the contents of a TOW into a synthesized post. I realize by looking at all of my TOWS that I do the same thing. Summary, purpose/audience, devices, effect on audience. Instead, I could try to mix it up. Doing a TOW every single Sunday was definitely tedious, but its purpose was to 1) help us improve identifying rhetorical devices for the essays on the exam and 2) help us broaden our knowledge on diverse topics that we could also use on the exam. I did benefit from these TOWs because I found myself using them in essays and also in everyday conversation. 

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