Sunday, September 23, 2012

Jessica Simpson Proactiv Advertisement

One can almost never turn on the TV without seeing a Proactiv commercial. The advertisement always has a celebrity who endorses it; in this commercial it is Jessica Simpson. In the two minute commercial, Jessica Simpson gives the audience a sneak-peek into her life, which always involves using Proactiv everyday. She gives details about her personal life, and her fight for getting rid of acne. She tells the audience that if they want to feel confident about their skin and stay clear of blemishes, than they have to use Proactiv. The audience for this commercial is young to middle age people suffering from acne, primarily women because Jessica Simpson appeals to them more over men. The purpose for creating this advertisement is to promote the use of Proactiv. It is to show everyday people that even celebrities suffer from acne, but Proactiv is the cure. If you use Proactiv, you will live a more confident and happier life. The exigence for this advertisement is that the company Proactiv is trying to get more people to use their product.

This Proactiv commercial uses many rhetorical devices to try and reel in TV watchers into buying the product. The devices used are: ethos (celebrities have flaws and can relate to the audience), logos ("Problem, acne. Solution, Proactive."), pathos (physical and mental distress with acne), tone (optimistic and sincere), and mood (encouraging).

Yes, I think the commercial did accomplish its goal of showing viewers that Proactiv works. The testimonial from Jessica Simpson advocates the effectiveness of the medication. She also shows viewers that acne is not something to be ashamed of. Almost everyone has problems with skin blemishes. Also, the statement, "Problem, acne. Solution, Proactiv" makes it seem like such a simple choice. Choose Proactiv and your troubles will go away. Lastly, by using the rhetorical devices I listed above, the audience is reeled into the commercial, without even knowing it, and by the end convinced that Proactiv is the solution for their acne.  

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